my experiances
(too old to reply)
Peter Lucas
2010-10-16 20:55:35 UTC
I never really ventured outside of the suburb of Narracourt and i grew
up with some other boys. We were all the same. We had the same ideas,
liked the same pop stars, liked the same movies and joy of joys, we
all like to enjoy each others bodies ;)

My pier group was made up of a variety of races. Irish, English,
Scottish - we had them all. Yet, race was never a factor in how we
related to each other. I never heard another kid talk about someone of
a minority race as anything other than who they were.

so sillily, I was unable to understand racism. I never understood how
anyone could think that x-person of x-race was anything beyond the
person that they were.

THEN I moved to Alice Springs, where I got a sharp dose of reality!
The ''nobel savage'' known as Abos soon turned out to be the lowest
form of life on this earth!
Always causing crimes and making trouble. I dont even like how most of
them look! They smell awful and seem to think that guys like me with
my preferances are to be picked on.

It just gos to show that until you experience the outside world, you
really do know jack.

Peter Lucas
Russell Island
2010-10-17 07:41:15 UTC
Post by Peter Lucas
I never really ventured outside of the suburb of Narracourt and i grew
up with some other boys. We were all the same. We had the same ideas,
liked the same pop stars, liked the same movies and joy of joys, we
all like to enjoy each others bodies ;)
My pier group was made up of a variety of races. Irish, English,
Scottish - we had them all. Yet, race was never a factor in how we
related to each other. I never heard another kid talk about someone of
a minority race as anything other than who they were.
so sillily, I was unable to understand racism. I never understood how
anyone could think that x-person of x-race was anything beyond the
person that they were.
THEN I moved to Alice Springs, where I got a sharp dose of reality!
The ''nobel savage'' known as Abos soon turned out to be the lowest
form of life on this earth!
Always causing crimes and making trouble. I dont even like how most of
them look! They smell awful and seem to think that guys like me with
my preferances are to be picked on.
It just gos to show that until you experience the outside world, you
really do know jack.
Peter Lucas
Russell Island
I wonder what the "Abos" thought about how YOU look and smell.

2010-10-17 07:42:12 UTC
Get some spelling lessons too. You're hopeless.
2010-10-17 19:36:22 UTC
Post by Peter Lucas
I never really ventured outside of the suburb of Narracourt and i grew
up with some other boys. We were all the same. We had the same ideas,
liked the same pop stars, liked the same movies and joy of joys, we
all like to enjoy each others bodies ;)
My pier group was made up of a variety of races. Irish, English,
Scottish - we had them all. Yet, race was never a factor in how we
related to each other. I never heard another kid talk about someone of
a minority race as anything other than who they were.
so sillily, I was unable to understand racism. I never understood how
anyone could think that x-person of x-race was anything beyond the
person that they were.
THEN I moved to Alice Springs, where I got a sharp dose of reality!
The ''nobel savage'' known as Abos soon turned out to be the lowest
form of life on this earth!
Always causing crimes and making trouble. I dont even like how most of
them look! They smell awful and seem to think that guys like me with
my preferances are to be picked on.
It just gos to show that until you experience the outside world, you
really do know jack.
Peter Lucas
Russell Island
Pete mate, if you lived in Naracoorte for five minutes you might have
learnt how to spell it.

Unless you are illiterate.
FoxP2 Squared
2010-10-19 05:38:49 UTC
Post by Peter Lucas
I never really ventured outside of the suburb of Narracourt and i grew
up with some other boys. We were all the same. We had the same ideas,
liked the same pop stars, liked the same movies and joy of joys, we
all like to enjoy each others bodies ;)
My pier group was made up of a variety of races. Irish, English,
Scottish - we had them all. Yet, race was never a factor in how we
related to each other. I never heard another kid talk about someone of
a minority race as anything other than who they were.
so sillily, I was unable to understand racism. I never understood how
anyone could think that x-person of x-race was anything beyond the
person that they were.
THEN I moved to Alice Springs, where I got a sharp dose of reality!
The ''nobel savage'' known as Abos soon turned out to be the lowest
form of life on this earth!
Always causing crimes and making trouble. I dont even like how most of
them look! They smell awful and seem to think that guys like me with
my preferances are to be picked on.
It just gos to show that until you experience the outside world, you
really do know jack.
Peter Lucas
Russell Island
Abos, Maori, Negroes, Tamils, Guineans and such are all from the same
racial group; the wave out of Africa that turned right and hugged the coast
lines of Arabia all the way down to Australia or turned around and went to
the Congo region instead of the 1st wave that went north.

The turn around for negros was near the North of modern day Ruanda. They,
the fearfullest, slowest and stupidest decided to turn around and head for
the safety of the trees and jungles instead of venturing out onto the
grasslands and prairies of Egypt and Sudan, crossing over to Arabia and on.

In 1100 AD, it's estimated that there were only about 2 million negroes in
the whole world. (Slavery has been berry berry good for dems happy folks!)
Once again, genetics.

A distinct racial diferent group, almost 'the missing link', and it's
proven genetically.

This is why those dark skinned, big lipped kinky hair humans are despised,
shuned, and ostracised all over the world; the atavistic instinct in the
rest of the world is to kill, drive off or move away from these inferiors
because they're so diferent, a diferent almost species.

We share 98% DNA with chimpanzees; negroes are about 02% diferent than

The spread, 2%, between humans and chimps mean that every gene is extreamly
important being that the rest of mostly junk DNA.
That means, that .2% is a HUGE diference!

Simply put, negroes and abos are akin to a sub-species of Sapients.
A fine is a tax for doing wrong
A tax is a fine for doing well