FA: Peavey Classic 30 Tube Amp, Vintage Peavey T-60 Guitar
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Crusty old rocker
2006-08-29 03:02:28 UTC
I'm upgrading my gear and going all "modern".

But it means selling my beloved 1980 vintage Peavey T-60.

And my Peavey Classic 30 tube amp.

For the nostalgia buffs, I am also selling a 1983 (Northern Hemisphere
"summer") edition of the Peavey "Monitor" magazine that includes an
article on the "T" range of guitars - including the T-60. It also has
an article on Maynard Ferguson who passed away just a few days ago.

My practicality gene is dominant whilst my purist gene is recessive.
So, I'm doing what some would say is unthinkable - switching to Line-6
Variax and Pod XT Live DI into PA.

I have not gigged for about 18 years and am keen to get my own little
cover band together - the Variax and Pod should be ideal for covers.

I've put all the goodies on ebay.

The 1980 vintage T-60 guitar

The Classic 30 amplifier

The 1983 Monitor magazine
Crusty old rocker
2006-08-31 12:19:14 UTC
Well the T-60 has gone to a new home where it will really be
appreciated. The new owner knows Hartley Peavey so I know it is in
good hands - someone who really knows the significance of this

The Classic 30 amp is beginning to move in price so if you are looking
for REAL tube tone it might be a good idea to get in and not miss out
on this one.
Post by Crusty old rocker
I'm upgrading my gear and going all "modern".
But it means selling my beloved 1980 vintage Peavey T-60.
And my Peavey Classic 30 tube amp.
For the nostalgia buffs, I am also selling a 1983 (Northern Hemisphere
"summer") edition of the Peavey "Monitor" magazine that includes an
article on the "T" range of guitars - including the T-60. It also has
an article on Maynard Ferguson who passed away just a few days ago.
My practicality gene is dominant whilst my purist gene is recessive.
So, I'm doing what some would say is unthinkable - switching to Line-6
Variax and Pod XT Live DI into PA.
I have not gigged for about 18 years and am keen to get my own little
cover band together - the Variax and Pod should be ideal for covers.
I've put all the goodies on ebay.
The 1980 vintage T-60 guitar
The Classic 30 amplifier
The 1983 Monitor magazine